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PCSK9 Competitive Grant Program


Amgen is delighted to announce the launch of the PCSK9 Competitive Grant Program, which will provide an opportunity for investigators from around the world to compete for individual grants of up to $200,000 USD for novel research proposals that seek to advance the understanding of PCSK9 and atherosclerosis.


The program is global in reach and is open to proposals from established and junior investigators.The PCSK9 Competitive Grant Program aims to advance the science of PCSK9, especially at the junction with atherosclerosis and atherosclerosis-related mechanisms.


Specific scientific areas of research include:
- Interaction between PCSK9 and lipoprotein and remnant particle
- PCSK9 and non-low-density lipoprotein receptor effects
- PCSK9 and immune function   Effects of PCSK9 on vascular wall biology through genetic, proteomic, and metabolic studies
- Lipid kinetics in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, metabolic syndrome, or diabetes
- PCSK9 homeostasis
- PCSK9 and pancreatic β cells
- PCSK9 and neurocognition
- Other potential areas of PCSK9 research that are not out of scope


The following topics are considered out of scope and thus are not eligible for the PCSK9 Competitive Grant Program:
- All proposals not related to PCSK9
- Any research proposal involving the use of a PCSK9 inhibitor


The deadline for applications is: Friday, May 11, 2018 (11.59 pm US Pacific Time)

Click here for full details



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