Rivista in lingua italiana
riservata ai Soci SISA
Ultimo numero:
Anno 15 • N.4/2024
Il presente lavoro ha incluso revisioni sistematiche e meta-analisi di studi clinici randomizzati controllati che valutavano l'impatto di interventi guidati dal farmacista nella riduzione dei fattori di rischio per la prevenzione primaria di eventi cardiovascolari nella popolazione generale. Dai risultati delle analisi è emersa una riduzione statisticamente significativa dei valori di pressione sistolica, emoglobina glicata e colesterolo LDL. Inoltre, l'intervento del farmacista ha contribuito all'aumento dell'aderenza ai trattamenti farmacologici. Questi risultati sottolineano l'importanza del coinvolgimento dei farmacisti nella gestione di ipertensione, diabete mellito e dislipidemia. Sulla base di questi dati, sarà interessante in futuro valutare l'impatto dell'intervento guidato dal farmacista anche per altri fattori di rischio non medici quali obesità , fumo e consumo di alcol.
AIMS To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of general practice-based pharmacist interventions in reducing the medical risk factors for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events. METHODS A systemic search was undertaken in 8 databases: PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBAS, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, CINAHL Plus, SCOPUS and Science Citation Index, with no start date up to 27 March 2019. Randomised controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of pharmacist-led interventions delivered in the general practice in reducing the medical risk factors of cardiovascular events were included in the review. The risk of bias in the studies was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. RESULTS A total of 1604 studies were identified, with 21 randomised controlled trials (8933 patients) meeting the inclusion criteria. Fourteen studies were conducted in patients with diabetes, 7 in hypertension, 2 involving dyslipidaemia, and 2 with hypertension and diabetes together. The most frequently used interventions were medication review and medication management. The quality of the included studies was variable. Patients receiving pharmacist-led interventions were associated with a statistically significant reduction in their systolic blood pressure (-9.33 mmHg [95% Confidence Interval (CI) -13.36 to -5.30]), haemoglobin A1C (-0.76% [95% CI -1.15 to -0.37]) and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (-15.19 mg/dL [95% CI -24.05 to -6.33]). Moreover, practice-based pharmacists' interventions were also reported to have a positive impact on patient adherence to medications. CONCLUSION The findings of this review suggest that pharmacist-led interventions in general practice can significantly reduce the medical risk factors of cardiovascular disease events. These findings support the involvement of pharmacists as healthcare providers in managing patients with hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidaemia.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020;86:29-38
Roma, 23-25 novembre 2025
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Rimini, 6-8 aprile 2025
[continua a leggere]Modena, 4-5 Luglio 2024
[continua a leggere]Rivista in lingua italiana
riservata ai Soci SISA
Ultimo numero:
Anno 15 • N.4/2024
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Anno 6 • N.1/2024
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