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91st EAS Congress 2023 - Extended abstract deadline


EAS 2023, 91st European Atherosclerosis Society Congress




EAS 2023, 901st European Atherosclerosis Society Congress


Welcome from the organisers

Extended Deadline: December 13, 2022 (midnight CET)On behalf of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) and the German societies DACH, DGFF and DGAF we are proud to invite you to participate in the 91st EAS Congress in the city of Mannheim. Mannheim is conveniently located in southern Germany with close access to Frankfurt and is home to inventions such as the automobile, bicycle and tractor. Plenty of cultural experiences and wine regions are within reach of the city.

The congress will carry on from the successful recent congress held in Milan and will offer in-person and virtual attendance. During the meeting we will explore the latest developments in basic, translational and clinical research into the causes of atherosclerosis and related vascular disease, and how these may affect the clinical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. One of the key features of our Congress is the high-level interdisciplinary exchange between clinicians and basic researchers. With many world-leading experts already confirmed, the EAS 2023 scientific programme will offer an overview of the latest current research in the field – including the award-winning Anitschkow Lecture, outstanding Keynote Lectures, state-of-the-art Plenary Sessions, and focused Workshops and Advance Clinical Seminars. We firmly believe that the personal meeting – presenting and discussing one’s work with others and sparking ideas from others’ work – is the key to progress in science. We encourage you to join us – to ask questions and share ideas during the Science at a Glance and Poster Sessions.

The EAS mission is also to support young scientists in progressing their careers through Young Investigator Fellowships. This important initiative offers early-career scientists the opportunity to take part in the Congress, to learn through presenting their own research, attending the scientific programme, and getting to know others in the field. Information about Fellowships can be found on the Society website, and we welcome abstract submissions from young scientists.

We are extremely happy to invite you to attend the EAS 2023 Congress in Mannheim, on May 21 – May 24. You are sure to gain new friends, new ideas, and inspiration to take your studies of atherosclerosis and related vascular disease to new levels!

Winfried März (Congress Chair), Ulrich Laufs (Congress Chair), Christoph Binder (Scientific Programme Committee Chair), Kausik Ray (EAS President)



• Extended Abstract Deadline: December 13, 2022 (midnight CET)

The presenting author is expected to attend the congress and present the poster or oral presentation.
The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university scientific publications office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.



• Plenary Programme

• Workshop programme



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