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Use of intensive lipid-lowering therapy in patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome: An analysis of 65,396 hospitalizations from 344 hospita participating in Get With The Guidelines (GWTG)

Javed U, Deedwania PC, Bhatt DL, Cannon CP, Dai D, Hernandez AF, Peterson ED, Fonarow GC.
Am Heart J 2011;161:418-424

OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to analyze the use of intensive lipid-lowering therapy (I-LLT) at discharge in a broad population of patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
BACKGROUND: Early and intensive statin therapy in ACS has been shown to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Utilization and predictors of I-LLT among hospitalized ACS patients are not known.
METHODS: The GWTG database was analyzed for ACS-related hospitalizations from 2005 to 2009. The use of I-LLT (defined as dose of statin or combination therapy likely to produce > 50% reductions in low-density lipoprotein [LDL]) and less intensive lipid-lowering therapy (LI-LLT) at discharge was assessed. Baseline characteristics and temporal trends in LLT were compared in these 2 treatment groups.
RESULTS: Of 65,396 patients receiving LLT, only 25,036 (38.3%) were treated with an I-LLT regimen. Mean total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides were significantly higher in the I-LLT group. Even among those with LDL > 130 mg/dL, 50% or less received I-LLT. Predictors of I-LLT at discharge included LLT before admission, hyperlipidemia, prior coronary artery disease, increasing body mass index, and in-hospital percutaneous coronary intervention. Although there was some temporal improvement in the rate of I-LLT from 2005 to 2007, a decline in use of I-LLT was noted in 2008 and 2009. This was attributed to a sharp reduction in use of ezetimibe in combination with statin, without corresponding increases in intensive statin monotherapy.
CONCLUSIONS: In a large cohort of patients admitted with ACS, most of the eligible patients were not discharged on I-LLT. These data suggest the need for better implementation of guideline-recommended intensive statin therapy in patients with ACS.


Am Heart J 2011;161:418-424



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