Rivista in lingua italiana
riservata ai Soci SISA
Ultimo numero:
Anno 15 • N.4/2024
In the early 1980s, we analyzed the metabolic profile of 930 men and women and concluded that an abdominal distribution of fat for a given BMI is associated with increased insulin resistance and risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The correlation between abdominal fat and metabolic dysfunction has since been validated in many studies, and waist circumference is now a criterion for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Several mechanisms for this relationship have been postulated; however, we now know that visceral fat is only one of many ectopic fat depots used when the subcutaneous adipose tissue cannot accommodate excess fat because of its limited expandability.
J Clin Invest. 2015;125:1790-2
Bologna, 1-3 dicembre 2024
Programma completo
Perugia, 7 Dicembre 2024
[continua a leggere]Ancona, 4-5 Ottobre 2024
[continua a leggere]Modena, 4-5 Luglio 2024
[continua a leggere]Rivista in lingua italiana
riservata ai Soci SISA
Ultimo numero:
Anno 15 • N.4/2024
Rivista Italiana della
Familiare Omozigote
Anno 6 • N.1/2024
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